Case Study
Newton Oils produced and marketed industrial lubricants and cutting fluids. When I was handling their PR they created a division to design, manufacture and market pumps and filters to compliment their core product range.
I worked closely with their MD and newly appointed engineer on the launch of Mermaid, a portable filtration system to clean cutting fluids. I had prepared press material for the launch and primed some key jopurnalists about the new product prior to the launch.
Just before the launch date they advised that there was a technical problem with the new machine, I asked if i could see the problem myself in the workshop. The machine needed to skim the surface of the cutting fluid but was unreliable in thos respect. I took out my notebook and sketched up a solution, the engineer looked at it and said "I thought you were supposed to be the PR guy not a design engineer!"
They tried my suggestion and the lauch date was reinstated.
Newton Oils